Collaborative Revolution in Quantum Computing: IQM and NVIDIA Join Forces

Collaborative Revolution in Quantum Computing: IQM and NVIDIA Join Forces

IQM and NVIDIA Collaboration for Quantum Computing

IQM Quantum Computers has teamed up with NVIDIA to revolutionize the programming of quantum processing units. This collaboration aims to simplify the development of hybrid quantum-classical applications using NVIDIA CUDA Quantum, an open-source platform for seamless integration.

Partnership Highlights

  • The partnership, announced at the SC Conference 2023 in Denver, focuses on expediting the progress of quantum computing across various domains.
  • The goal is to foster innovation and collaboration, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements in scientific and industrial realms.

Institutional Leverage

  • Prominent institutions like CSC – IT Centre for Science and the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland will leverage CUDA Quantum on VTT’s 5-qubit quantum computer.
  • This quantum computer is a result of the co-innovation partnership between IQM and VTT, highlighting the practical implications of the collaboration.

Vision for the Future

  • IQM envisions a future where scientists can seamlessly integrate quantum and classical systems.
  • They aspire to see quantum computers and supercomputers working together to address critical issues in machine learning, cybersecurity, and drug and chemical research.

Quotes from Leaders

Dr. Peter Eder, Head of Strategic Partnerships at IQM Quantum Computers, emphasized that the collaboration with NVIDIA is a strategic step to accelerate potential use cases. It provides users with the option to use NVIDIA’s high-quality software framework to explore quantum solutions with IQM's quantum hardware.

Tim Costa, Director of High-Performance Computing and Quantum at NVIDIA, highlighted the transformative potential of quantum integrated supercomputing. He stated that the collaboration with IQM will enable researchers to advance the state of the art in coupling quantum with GPU supercomputing, opening the door for countless breakthroughs.

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