[solved] - CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12']

When working with Python's imaplib library to interact with an email server, you may encounter the error message: "CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12']." This error typically occurs when you attempt to create a new folder using the create function, and the folder name contains spaces or other invalid characters. In this blog post, we will explore the common causes of this error and how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The error message you encountered, "CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12']," is quite cryptic, but it points to a specific issue with the argument you provided when trying to create a new folder. This error occurs when the folder name violates the IMAP protocol's naming conventions.

Why Does it Happen?

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) imposes certain restrictions on folder names. The primary rule is that folder names should not contain spaces or special characters that are not allowed by the IMAP protocol. This includes characters like "/", "", "*", and many others.

The IMAP protocol follows a specific naming convention where a valid folder name consists of one or more "atom" characters separated by "." (periods). An "atom" character can be any ASCII printable character except for control characters, space, and the characters that are not allowed in folder names.

How to Fix It

To resolve the "CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12']" issue, you need to ensure that the folder name you provide to the create function adheres to the IMAP naming conventions:

  1. No Spaces: Remove any spaces from the folder name. You can replace them with underscores (_) or hyphens (-) if needed.
  2. Avoid Special Characters: Ensure that the folder name consists of only valid characters according to the IMAP protocol.
  3. Use Periods for Hierarchy: To create a nested folder structure, use periods (.) to separate folder names. For example, "ParentFolder.Subfolder" is a valid folder hierarchy.

Example 1 :Below code is Triggering the Error

import imaplib

imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4('imap.example.com')
imap_server.login('your_email@example.com', 'your_password')

# Attempt to create a folder with an invalid name (contains a space)
folder_name_with_space = 'Invalid Folder Name'

except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")


In this example, we intentionally try to create a folder with an invalid name containing a space. This code will result in the "CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12']" error

Solution - Creating a Folder Successfully

import imaplib

imap_server = imaplib.IMAP4('imap.example.com')
imap_server.login('your_email@example.com', 'your_password')

# Create a folder with a valid name (no spaces)
valid_folder_name = 'ValidFolderName'

    print(f"Folder '{valid_folder_name}' created successfully.")
except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")


In this example, we create a folder with a valid name that doesn't contain spaces. It should execute without errors and display the message "Folder 'ValidFolderName' created successfully." This demonstrates the correct way to create a folder without encountering the error.


When working with Python's imaplib and encountering the "CREATE command error: BAD [b'Command Argument Error. 12'],"

it's essential to ensure that your folder names follow the IMAP protocol's naming conventions. Removing spaces and using valid characters is the key to resolving this error and effectively managing your email folders. By following these guidelines, you can work with IMAP servers seamlessly and avoid common issues like this one.